Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Help me choose my experience!

I leave for NYC in a few days!

This morning I received multiple emails from the practicum organizers...I now know my roommates, my tentative schedule, and what to expect. Let me say...I will be ridiculously busy next week!

SOOOO here's where you come in...What events should I attend?

The first set of meetings are the NGO sponsored parallel events <>. Anything jump out at you?

Then there are the official meetings of the Commission on the Status of Women, comprised of delegations from member states. A calendar of these sessions is also online at <>. I will be picking a few of these meetings on Sunday.

The final track is a set of events organized by Member States and United Nations entities. This calendar is online at <>. I need to email the organizers for these events before Friday. 

I want to learn as much as I can. If there is anything you are interested in, I would be happy to act as your note taker :) Let me know!


  1. "Protecting and Empowering the Girl Child Online and Offline" - all of them sound so interesting...super jealous! looking forward to your updates

  2. Good suggestion! Which of the sets of meetings is this one under (there are three parallel schedules running)...

  3. BARBADOS, MEXICO, Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), UN Women
    that sounds interesting
    Sex and the whole woman
    Endeavour Forum Inc.
    Boy-Girl Dialogue
    The Grail
    ... there are so many i honesty do not know how you are going to decide which one you are going ot attend
